Caltrans Quarter Century Club

              District 1 Stories


Oral History Summaries

      Backpacking with Butch Biendera, by Guy Luther

      Ben Van Zandt, by Guy Luther

      Butch's Great Adventure, by Guy Luther

      Carl Zander, by Guy Luther

      Construction on the Klamath River Bridge, by Guy Luther

      Jim Martin, by Guy Luther

      1964 Northern California Christmas Flood, by Andy Machen

      Harold Webster, by Guy Luther

      Pulling Chain for G.P.O., by Guy Luther, District 1       Ed Scott, by Guy Luther

      Why I Quit Eating French Fries, by Guy Luther, District 1       Bob Myers, by Rick Knapp*
        *Past District 1 Director
        Summary by Guy Luther

      How to post stories to the website

      Caltrans District 1 Homepage






Caltrans Quarter Century Club | District 1 Stories